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ROBERT THORNTON Softdarts 18g Red Dragon
Der "Heavy Knurled Grip" wird von keinem Dart geschlagen und sobald Sie die Waffen Thorns in die Hand nehmen, spüren Sie den zusätzlichen Schub an Kraft und Genauigkeit in Ihrem Wurfarm.
- 3 Darts
- Gewicht: 18g
- Barrel: 95% Tungsten
- Shafts: Laser Etched aluminium medium
- Flights: Players extra thick standard

Die Lieferung beginnt ab
Gewicht | 18g |
Barrelgewicht | 16g |
Barrellänge | 50.8mm |
Durchmesser | 6.35mm |
original Modellnummer: RDD1717
Product Information
Darts | x3 Darts per set |
Flights | x1 Set - players extra thick standard |
Shafts | x1 Set - Laser Etched aluminium medium |
Brand | Red Dragon Darts |
Darts Technical Specification
Barrel Weight | 16 grams |
Tungsten (%) | 95% Tungsten alloy |
Dimensions | 6.35mm x 50.8mm |
Robert Thornton is the Scottish-born brave dart who burst onto the world scene with his stunning Winmau World Masters win in 2007. This fantastic achievement put Robert shoulder-to-shoulder with two darting greats in Les Wallace and Jocky Wilson as being a Scottish-born player to have lifted the oldest of darts major titles. After switching to the PDC soon after, Roberts rise up the world rankings has been similarly dramatic and he now stands as one of the most feared performers in the game. When Robert needed a set of his signature darts made there was only one place to turn - Red Dragon and who better to describe those darts than the man himself: "I am delighted to have signed with such a great company as Red Dragon - like me they are making a real name for themselves in the world of darts. Not only are the darts made to measure and to my own exact design, also like me they are uniquely Scottish - they are not so much darts as brave darts”
With amazing increased grip level these darts are exactly what Robert had been looking for so that he can bring his A Game on to the TV. The Heavy Knurled Grip will not be beaten by any dart and as soon as you pick up the Thorns Weapons you feel that extra surge of power and accuracy in your throwing arm.
- Gewicht
- 18g
- Artikelzustand:
- Neu
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