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GERWYN PRICE Iceman World Championship Special Edition Softdarts 20g Red Dragon
Diese Special Edition feiert die spannendste Geschichte des World Darts und zeigt den Aufstieg von Gerwyn "THE ICEMAN" Price zum PDC-Weltmeister 2021 und zur Nummer eins der Welt!
- 3 Darts
- Gewicht: 20g
- Barrel: 90% Tungsten
- Shafts: Nitrotech polycarbonate short
- Flights: hardcore extra thick standard
Gewicht | 20g |
Barrelgewicht | 18g |
Barrellänge | 51mm |
Durchmesser | 6.4mm |
Product Description
Celebrating one of the most tantalizing stories in World Sport - the Rise of the Iceman to 2021 World Champion and World Number 1… Featuring the Iceman’s legendary grip system, stunning Onyx coating and Ice White NitroTech shafts, all showcased with the latest, single-star World Champion Ionic flights.
Product Information
Darts | x3 Darts per set |
Flights | x1 Set - Hardcore extra thick standard |
Shafts | x1 Set - Nitrotech polycarbonate short |
Brand | Red Dragon Darts |
Darts Technical Specification
Barrel Weight | 18 grams |
Tungsten (%) | 90% Tungsten alloy |
Dimensions | 6.4mm x 51mm |
Thread | 2BA |
Dart Profile
Weight Distribution | Centre |
Barrel Profile | Specialist |
Front Profile | Eliptical |
Dart Grip Characteristics
Grip Type | buttress grooves, milled grip, wave |
Grip Level | 4 |
Grip Zone | Full length |
Dart Finish
Surface Finish | pvd black |
Groove Colours | silver |
Dart Graphics
Laser Etched | Red Dragon Logo |
General Information
Model Number | RDD2293 |
Quantity | 3 Darts per set |
- Gewicht
- 20g
- Artikelzustand:
- Neu
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