
Coin validator NRI G13.7042

Coin acceptor NRI G13 for Greit machines GRIPPERSuitable for Greif machines. Grabber - EXIT TO THE FRONT! The coin acceptors are checked and tested again before shipping. Programmed on Euro coins: 50 cents=1 channel, 1 euro = 2 channels 2 euros = 3 channels The required number of credits is then set on the device itself.
In Stock
Delivery: 1 to 3 weeks

Coin validator RM5 Comestero front panel

Front panel for Comestero coin validator RM5 suitable for Cyberdine Dart NEW! Also suitable for KARELLA E-MASTER and X-Dart machines, as well as other machines such as car washes, photo, boxer, etc.
In Stock
Delivery: 1 to 3 weeks

Programming coin validator RM5 Comestero - Car Wash

Comestero RM5 coin acceptor for Car Wash NEW! Suitable for Car Wash machines. The coin acceptors are checked and tested again before shipping. Programmed on Euro coins: 1. channel = 50 cents 2. channel =1 euro 3. channel =2 euros or as desired. ATTENTION: However, different car wash manufacturers program the machine differently, so we recommend sending...
In Stock
Delivery: 1 to 3 weeks

RM5 Comestero coin acceptor

Coin validator acceptor Comestero RM5 -coin output at the front NEW NEW! Suitable for washing systems, grippers, boxer boxing machines, etc. Programmed on Euro coins: 50 cents=1 credit, 1 euro = 2 loans 2 euros = 4 credits Please contact us before ordering and send a picture of your coin acceptor.
In Stock
Delivery: 1 to 3 weeks
Showing 1-4 of 4 item(s)

Coin validator for Boxer boxing machines,

programmed in euros: 50 cents, 1 euro and 2 euros

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